Healthy eating

Healthy eating; whenever we hear these two words put together, most of us imagine strict dieting, low-calorific food and never treating yourself to any treats. Well this is not entirely true. As I have mentioned before, a balanced diet is the best way of ‘healthy eating’ because all different kinds of food’s provide us with a variety of nutrients that our bodies need to function.

Of course, for those of us who train frequently, it is very important that we intake the correct foods at the right time of the day before and after training– including carbohydrates, proteins and fats.

Post-training today I ate salmon with Mediterranean rice and sweet corn. Salmon is one of the best forms of protein for our body because of how high in omega 3, niacin and vitamin 12 is very beneficial for our cardiovascular system. So if we are about to go on an enduring training session, then salmon should definitely be included in one of our meals throughout the day.

Healthy eating